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Dr.Melaxin Cemenrete鈣因子緊緻拉提精華



重大發現!!! 膠原蛋白需要鈣的支持,再現彈力BB肌! 4星期緊緻提升達 127%* 韓國Dr.Melaxin 【逆齢專家】膠原BB彈力專利配方,從杏仁提取活性成分Rebornic及鈣質因子再配合維他命D等肌膚所需營養要素,刺激膠原蛋白增生並即時撐你的膠原BB。 Cemenrete 膠原BB緊緻拉提精華 鈣因子彈力膠原 | 高效抗皺 bump彈膠原BB | 鈣質因子鎖緊膠原蛋白 | 撫平減淡皺紋 亮白光澤肌膚 |緊緻拉提 30ml *Dr.Melaxin實驗室臨床測試數據,實際使用效果因人而異。

Rincian Produk

Use of skin calcium REBORNIC patented raw material

Up to 127% improvement in the volume of sunken areas under the eyes

Completed clinical test

30ml large capacity, can be generously applied to the entire area around the eyes and under the eyes

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